ActivityMap provides a visual representation of device connections

Adobe Analytics > Analysis Workspace > Activity Map
As part of the core set of link tracking capabilities that comes with the Adobe Analytics product suite, ActivityMap is an out-of-the-box solution for the tracking of multi-channel and cross channel paths on websites. Unlike other link tracking solutions available from third parties, this functionality is included within Adobe Experience Cloud and is activated by administrators on a report suite level rather than requiring the application of custom code across an entire website.

ActivityMap provides a visual representation of device connections and path progression. The default view shows devices represented by circles with lines representing their connections. Click the device name to see additional details, such as the device hostname, IP address or MAC address. Alternatively, you can use controls located in the bottom right corner of the page to reposition a 2D map or zoom with your mouse wheel.

In addition to viewing devices and connection information, you can also perform various comparisons using the toolbar above the map. These include comparisons between two time intervals, where metric deltas are highlighted by color. For example, when you compare yesterday with the last 30 minutes, new device connections and activity that appear only in the more recent time interval are highlighted in green. In contrast, previous device connections and activity that only appeared in the earlier interval are highlighted in red.

You can add multiple paths in an activity map and assign different conditions to each of these paths, enabling you to create dynamically generated sequences that are tailored to the interests of customers. For example, you could create an activity map that consists of a trigger event for store purchase followed by a transactional email task with embedded discount offer and then a web task to deliver the offer. Customers would then move concurrently through the three paths originating from the same node.

You can control whether a customer continues on a path based on seeing an impression or reaching the primary metric for that path in a task. This is done in a task node by selecting Continue from conversion or Continue from impression options.

You can save an activity map and share it with other users, granting view or edit access. You can also load a saved activity map to modify its properties. Access to an activity map can be restricted by granting access via the Adobe Experience Cloud User Administration console.