The Benefits of Artificial Grass

Artificial grass (often called ‘astroturf’ or ‘turf pitch’) has been used to make sports play safer and more convenient. Since the introduction of 3G football pitches and rugby surfaces, new developments have helped improve the quality of these surface types. This has resulted in the speed of ball travel increasing allowing premier league clubs to enjoy the benefits of this surface type.

There is some confusion about the terms 4G and 5G when discussing this type of synthetic surface – especially as companies are often marketing their products with the latest name whilst not necessarily improving or changing the existing design. 4G is actually an acronym for fourth generation, and relates to the development of non-infill surfaces which do not need a rubber performance infill above sand ballast layers. These systems are still being developed, but it is a new innovation and it’s a good idea to consider this when planning your next project as it can provide significant cost savings.

In the meantime, the majority of football and rugby clubs will continue to use 3G surfacing for their playing fields. This is because these systems have been developed to a high standard and are fully endorsed by FIFA for football and RFU for rugby. The system provides a true playing experience and has been shown to reduce injuries by up to 40% when compared to natural 4G grass, resulting in fewer trips, falls and collisions.

This is mainly because of the fact that the artificial fibres are very soft and are designed to cushion the impact of players, making it more forgiving than natural grass. In addition, the 3G surface can also withstand heavy use and remains consistent over time. It is also a good choice for weather conditions, as water drains rapidly and it can be played on in wet weather, so there’s no need to cancel matches or training sessions.

One of the main concerns when thinking about investing in a new synthetic turf surface is that it will need constant maintenance. This is why it’s important to work with a company that offers a full package of astroturf pitch services from design and planning through to construction. This way, you’ll be able to focus on your business knowing that your sports facility is being looked after by experts and is being optimised for use in all weathers.

A fully maintained 3G football or rugby pitch will typically cost around PS25,000 for a standard 5-a-side pitch. This price is significantly lower than the cost of maintaining a natural grass pitch, as it’s much cheaper in terms of labour and materials. Furthermore, there are fewer maintenance costs as the surface is less likely to become muddy or damaged. This will ultimately help to save you money in the long run, and ensures that your team can practice and train without disruption all year round. If you’re interested in learning more about the different types of 3G and 4G synthetic surfaces, contact us to arrange a free site survey and consultation.